Lost in a mountain lake → Ólafur Arnalds feat. Bonobo
"When I heard Ólafur's and Bonobo's song for the first time I envisioned a hypnotising musical film. When walking or swimming out in nature I like to get lost in my mind. The silence and the wilderness that surrounds me allows me to think so deeply that I can completely forget where I am. In this music video, the protagonist is in this state of daydreaming. She lets her surroundings inspire her thoughts and feelings. The emotions she has buried come out in the form of other women. They use dance as a non-verbal language allowing their emotions to run free. The water reinforces the feeling of dreaming that I wanted to capture, since the characters can float, drift, disappear. We filmed the piece in a mountain lake at 2000 meters, isolated from everyday life, and lost ourselves for four days in this quiet, surreal place. The water was very cold and the weather was changing every hour. It was an intense experience for the dancers and the crew — and I think you can feel it in every shot of this unique little art film."
written & directed by Neels Castillon
choreographer — Fanny Sage
— Maëva Berthelot,
Janina Sarantšina,
Xiaoyi Liu
director of photography — Eric Blanckaert
1st AC — Kévin Rosé
2nd AC — Claire Bouchard
production company — Motion Palace
producer — Louis Arnoux
producer — Emilie Mallen
executive producer — Ariane Cornic
production coordinator — Sandrine Laveau
assistant location manager — Lucas Granel
lifeguard — Simon Magneron
still photography — Thibaut Koralewski
color grading — Nicolas Guibert @ Herve Bays
camera and lenses — RVZ
thanks — Damiano Vukotic.
Françoise, Pierre Jean, Laetitia and the whole team refuge Ayous. David Bordes, Pierre Vidal, Jana, Maria et Gaston Vidal, Anne-Laure Sanchette, Régis Carrère, Sanç Bordes-Monthelie, Cyril Pujalet and their donkeys. Jean Montoulieu, Pyrénées National Park.
Mercury KX, 2020.
behind the scene by Thibaut Koralewski